Call to Me...and I will show you great and mighty things...

Welcome to Adventure Awaits Outdoors! Where we encourage people of all walks of life and fitness levels to get out and enjoy God’s great outdoors. My wife and I have a great love for the outdoors and we have tried to pass that along to our children. We are not accomplished thru-hikers, we do not have a lot of free time and we definitely don't have a lot of money to spend on gear. We are just an average family that loves to spend time outdoors. Click the link above to learn more about our adventure.
Are you just getting into hiking and backpacking and are a little overwhelmed over just what gear you need? Or perhaps you want to start backpacking? You watched a few gear reviews, got really excited, that is until you saw the cost of that gear. My goal is to help you decide for yourself what gear is right for you as well as tips and tricks on ways to save and what is worth spending your hard-earned money on.
Adventure awaits! And many adventures have already been had. As time goes by, I hope to be able to share some of those adventures. Learn from our mistakes....or just laugh at them. Scout out some new locations and maybe even learn a thing or two, or just laugh at our mistakes. Either way, it should be fun.