The air hurts my face! Why do I live where the air hurts my face?!! I don't know what part of the world you reside in but the winters up here in Northern Michigan can be long and hard. Thankfully this winter was not too harsh but I am still ready for it to be over. Two weeks ago we had sub-zero temperatures overnight but last week it got up into the 40s. That warm spell has me ready to hit the trails again. Spring is so close I can taste it and sorting through photos from past hikes for the website has got me salivating for some outdoor adventures.

Yes, I know that there are winter outdoor activities but I don't get out very often in the winter months these days. However I would very much like to get into cross country skiing again, maybe next year. We used to live in an area that had some awesome cross country ski trails and we also had property at our disposal and room to roam right our front door. Once we moved to town, well the village (about an hour northwest) I just sort of stopped my winter adventures. I mean the working three jobs thing doesn't help either but excuses, excuses. I need to get out and do more winter activities.
We did have a couple of snowshoeing events planned for this winter but one got canceled (thanks Covid) and the other one just sort of never came together. Our scouting troop did have one little intro to snowshoeing event but it was only about a 1/8 mile loop and the kids spent more time throwing snowballs than they did snowshoeing but hey at least they had fun.
For now, the days are getting longer, the temps are starting to rise and we're starting to even see bare ground in spots. Yes, the hiking season is within sight. In fact, we plan to go hiking with our local North Country Trail Association just two weeks from today. Then shortly after I will begin exploring the various sections of "The Big One" which is the 50-mile 4-day hike that our scouting troops have planned for this summer.
So, why do I live where the air hurts my face? I'll give you three reasons, 1. no copper heads 2. no cottonmouths 3. no rattlers

Not that I don't like snakes. They are actually a very important part of most ecosystems and I have actually grown quite fond of many species. Its just that...well....I would prefer to distance myself from the poisonous ones....