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Well here goes...something?


Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Time to shake the dust off the keyboard and see if I can recall any of those graphic design classes from almost 20 years ago. Who knows, maybe I'll even get out a camera other than the one on my phone.

But why bother? Well its certainly not because I'm bored and didn't have anything else to do. Although that busy schedule is part of why I wanted to create Adventure Awaits Outdoors. I want to encourage all the other atypical (well actually we may be more typical that we think) hikers and outdoor enthusiasts to get out and explore the great outdoors. I want to help and encourage the newbie that is unsure of themselves, the retiree that is uncertain if they can still have it in them, the vet that doesn't know if his knees can handle it, the widow that is still trying to find her bearings or the the guys like me. You know hard working dads that are still retaining that baby weight. Parents who just don't know if they have the time...or the money to get out and explore and aren't quite sure how to involve their kids. Now it is going to look a little different for everyone but I can assure you that some way, some how you are capable of getting out and exploring God's Great Outdoors.

Angela has also encouraged me for some time now to create a hiking website or blog and I often get questions from friends and co-workers about camping, hiking and backpacking. I am by no means an expert. It is just something that I love. The wilderness is my happy place and there is just something extra special about getting out and exploring new places. That and I have invested a good deal of time in researching gear because, well I'm cheap and on a limited budget and it want to know I am getting the most for my money.

As our Trail Life and American Heritage Girl troops plan and prep for summer hiking and camping events the question of gear came up again. We wanted a gear list and some tips, pointers, and recommendations for those who may be new to backpacking and as a refresher for those who may not have done it in some time. The initial list was short and simple but as I began to add more information to try and help our families choose what was the right gear for them I realized I had amassed quite a voluminous hand out (more of a booklet at that point). After all it's one thing to say you will need a backpack, cook system, shelter, etc but which backpack, what type of cook system, and what kind of tent?...I don't want to just tell people to "just go buy this, this and this", I want to help them to decide what is right for them, for their needs, and their budget. My thoughts went back to Angela's recommendation to do a website, and well here we are.

Angela will also be chiming in and adding content (as well as fixing all my grammatical mistakes). As mentioned in the about page we share a great love of the outdoors and our children have begun to join us on our adventures more and more. We hope to be able to provide information and insight that could benefit both an individual hiker or the whole family.

And along the way share in an adventure or two.



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